Ziegenbalg Run
Thanks for this incredibly educating experience. It feels great being part of a greater and creative network

This muse.run product is a mobile learning feature; a playful and interactive approach, an object information tool, as well as a virtual collection database. It educates the visitors’ perspective of historical spaces by guiding them through the museum compound and the collection in two sessions. It can be challenging, that’s the idea behind it: here, learning is a personal choice. Visitors can access introductory information or they can explore and participate with the objects in a unique way. The different topic features are introduced by “station cards,” explaining the mandatory rules and procedure. Subsequently, the game progresses via three stages of completing an object-based station card: unopened, opened, completed. Once the visitors complete the station card, they have access more activities and more information. Thus they get a glimpse into Indian culture and are able to use their new language knowledge to complete the final station card.